Master Woo Myung Words of Wisdom – Truth Remains Once All Falseness Have Been Destroyed

There is a Korean saying that goes, “Huh, huh, cham, I’m at a loss for words!”
Huh, huh, cham (an interjection or exclamatory remark that literally means “false, false, Truth”) means once all falseness have been eliminated, Truth will emerge. While living in this world, the world of illusion, we have only learned how to add to our minds.

In other words, as we lived seeing, hearing, speaking, smelling, we only acquired more minds of greed – the mind that wants to possess all sorts of things, and the entire world. The sum of these minds has become our present selves.

There is no end to the mind that wants to have more. The more one has, the more false pictures he gets, which turn into burden and suffering. When we get rid and get rid again of all falseness, in the end only Truth will remain. Falseness eventually disappears when you eliminate it because it is false, but Truth always remains as it is, no matter how hard you try to destroy it because it is true.

Truth is what remains at the very end.
He who has erased all falseness is a true person.

-Woo Myung-