Master Woo Myung Words of Advice – What Is Wisdom?

In the false human world, crafty people are often said to have wisdom. However, such tricks and stratagems are not wisdom but merely ways of life in the human world. Man’s words and actions all take place within the picture world, the mind world that he has made, so all of his words and actions are not real but false. No matter how like a saint a person may speak or behave, his words and actions are false and fake because they were spoken and done by a picture.

Wisdom is knowing the ways of Truth. Regardless of how articulately one speaks or how well he preaches, if he does so inside an illusion it is not true, but false. Only the Creator that is Truth has wisdom. Man can also become wisdom itself if his human body is mind are reborn as the true body and mind of the Universe. One must change his individual conceptions and habits and see from the perspective of the Universe in order to see truly.
True wisdom is knowing the ways of the world once one has become the viewpoint of the Universe that is God, or in other words, once one has become the consciousness of the Universe. The Bible, the Buddhist sutras and other scriptures are Truth and were all written from the consciousness of the Universe. Man is not able to interpret them correctly nor is he able to know their true meaning because Truth does not exist within man. Only the consciousness of the Universe, which is God and the whole, has wisdom and knows all the ways of the world.

One person asked me why he did not have any wisdom. I told him it is because he had not entered the place of Truth and he has not been born from the place of Truth. While man may wish for wisdom in his own mind world, it is only when his self that seeks wisdom is completely dead and gone that true wisdom will appear.

-Woo Myung-

Excerpt from ‘Where You Become True Is the Place of Truth’