Santa Clara Meditation Personal Growth – What are the best ways to save money?

During this pandemic many people lost their jobs and some jobs may never come back. Everyone wants to save money.

There are videos and advice from books to show how to do this. They are all great ideas, but only if you can truly pratice it.

I always wondered why people spend so much money? Why do people have a luxury cars even though they don’t own a house? Why do people have 100 shoes?

Why do people have so much stuff even though they dont need it? Why do people spend lots of money to buy things when they are stressed out?

We think we need a lot to live sometimes but I realized we don’t need a lot to live to tell the truth.

It seems to be about a matter of mind set not about some ideas.

One of the reason why people can’t save money is because people have inferiority. People want to be better then others so they want to buy more eventhough they don’t need it.

Second, is because of stress. When someone has lots of stress they want to spend a lot. People go shopping and use lots of money on their credit card.

So what is the solution? Eventhough there are good ideas if you don’t change your mind those words will mean nothing.

Meditation is a perfect to tool to look back your life first. Meditation is self reflection. When you look back on your life you will see how you lived your life and with what kind of minds set you had. Knowing what minds you have and where you are is the first step you can change your behavior.

For example, through self reflection, you can find out the moment you are comparing yourself with other about money. You can find out yourself who felt inferiority to others about money.

Once you are able to see your self cleary you can change your mind about money. You can stop overspending.

You can spend your money on what you really need. So you can save more money.

by Eugene Jeong