Master Woo Myung‘s Award Winning Book – 2014 Eric Hoffer Award / Winner of Montaigne Medal – Where You Become True Is The Place Of Truth – Resurrection

To live after being reborn is resurrection.

There are many differing opinions about resurrection among the many sects of Christianity.

Some say one will live with this body, right here in this place, in this world while some say our bodies will change. Others believe it is the soul that lives forever.

Jesus Christ was resurrected three days after his death and lived in this world before he ascended to heaven.

No material form, from the countless different forms that exist to the human body, can exist forever.

According to scientists, the stars in the sky have life-spans that range between fifteen to forty-five billion years. The human body has an average lifespan of seventy to eighty years.

Just as a silkworm inside a cocoon must die before it can become a moth, man’s body must disappear before it can be reborn as the body and mind of Truth – this is what resurrection is.

In the world, there is the origin.

In order to build a house, the ground must exist. It is because the origin exists that it is possible for all the various forms in the world to exist. The celestial bodies in the sky came forth from this origin – the original foundation – as did all creations. The law of the material world is that all material things in the world come into existence and then disappear.

From the perspective of the great Universe, there have been countless animals, plants, people and other material things on Earth that have come and gone. Their forms completely disappeared after rotting away. All of them returned to the original foundation. The Korean euphemism for death, “he has returned” means the dead have returned to the original foundation.

It is the natural order of the Universe that all the innumerable forms in the world return to nature once their forms disappear.

But man lives in a self-centered mind world, a world of illusion, so when he dies he continues on in that illusionary non-existent world. This world is hell.

Human completion is resurrection. One’s body and the world of his mind must disappear to be able to return back to nature, and one must be born again with the eternally never-changing body and mind of Truth – only then is it true resurrection. One must be made of gold to go the Golden World and in the same way, one must be reborn as the substance of Truth if he is to go the land of Truth.

Christianity and Buddhism tell us that the body is a temple and a sanctuary.

This means the body itself is Truth and the origin. Only he whose self has disappeared and returned to the true origin can be resurrected in that world.

The true origin is resurrected of and by itself, but no man can live unless he is resurrected by the words of the true origin. The true origin will only allow those who have become Truth, that is, those who have returned to the origin, to live in the origin – the land of Truth.

Man can live forever only when he completely destroys his self and his delusional world and returns to the origin which is Truth, so that while he is living, the holy body and mind of Truth is resurrected within him – within the temple and sanctuary.

The body must return to great nature, and one’s soul must be resurrected within great nature while he is living in order to have eternal life.

It is not man’s body and mind that lives forever. Man’s body and mind must die completely without anything remaining, and he must become the origin. He must be resurrected as the substance, the essence, of Truth. It is this Soul and Spirit that lives within himself for eternity.

The place we must go is the land of Truth within ourselves, and the land where we must live is also this land of Truth that exists within us.

Being born with the Soul and Spirit of Truth in the land of Truth within you is resurrection.

-Woo Myung-