Master Woo Myung Barnes & Noble #1 Bestseller –  How to Have a Meeting with God, Buddha, Allah – Only What Exists in One’s Mind Exists

Inside their false human minds, people believe that they have faith in God, Buddha, Allah, which are Truth. However, there
is no real Truth in their minds, so no matter how much they shout and cry out, God, Buddha, Allah do not exist there. And no matter how hard they pray, as it is done in the false worlds, their prayers will not reach the true world.

God, Buddha, Allah, which are Truth, appear when one dis- cards the falseness that is the human mind. When the masters of Truth make everything to be born again from here, then this place, here, is Heaven, the Land of Bliss, Paradise. This land is the Land of Truth, the real world. Truth and the Land of Truth have to exist within your mind for it to exist. If it does not exist there, it does not exist.

-Woo Myung-