Santa Clara Meditation Find Hope within – How not to lose hope?

Hope is in your mind. You’ll be hesitating for a while now, just because you don’t see that hope. But don’t worry. Let’s say you have a very dirty room. It’s full of furniture, and there’s so much junk that I can’t even see my feet. However, empty spaces are exposed when useless items are discarded, and unnecessary furniture is thrown away. And if you clean and re-arrange the furniture, it will transform into a space you want to stay.

Our minds are the same. People keep in their minds all the things they see, hear and experience in their lives. It’s like a complicated room with loads of luggage. You can get rid of this useless clutter with meditation. Fear of failure. Anxiety and worry about the future. Constant hatred of people. Obsession with money and love. Maybe there is no one who can’t throw away these feelings because it’s a waste, right? If you let go of these negative thoughts, your mind will naturally improve, and above all, people will become more relaxed. As your mind grows, your work gets better and better. Then you can find hope in your life.

It is a time when our minds need hope more than ever. There are so many people in trouble all over the world. It is valuable to help others, but first, a spark of hope must be found in my mind to give goodwill to the neighbors around me. More important than eating well and living well, achieving complete peace, complete freedom, and human completion in my mind is the most urgent.

by Donna Seo