Master Woo Myung Wisdom Message – How can people and this world live eternally?

For people and this world to live eternally, one must eliminate his false human mind world and discard even the incomplete person and the world. Then, the Holy Spirit and Holy Soul, Dharmakaya and Sambhogakaya, Jung and Shin, which are the Spirit and Soul of the original foundation, remain. Only when this itself becomes your mind and you are born again as the body and mind of this, which is Truth, can you live forever.

No one can live unless they are born again through the words of the masters of the world. Peo- ple think that they are living in the world, but they are not living in the world. Instead, they are living inside their mind worlds and thus are incomplete. You must completely eliminate yourself who is living in that mind world, which is a false world. It is only when you discard your mind world and go to Truth, and the masters of the Land of Truth make you born anew, can you live eternally.

Since this land, this place, is a false world, things only live up to their material lifespans. However, when that itself goes to the Land of Truth that is within your mind and is reborn as Truth, it can live eternally without death. Now, because there is a method to go to the Land of Truth and live there, anyone can achieve it if one follows the method.

-Woo Myung-