Master Woo Myung The Book of Wisdom – Are there many levels of heaven?

People have made different levels of heavens in heaven, but originally these levels of heaven did not exist. Heaven was divided into different levels in the time before the coming of Truth but in the time after the coming of Truth, there is only one heaven. It is man that divided heaven, but in reality, there are no levels in heaven. Heaven is heaven, just as it is, and there is only one. One is not Truth if he does not know there is only one heaven, even when he knows that there is only one Universe.

There are no levels to Truth; things just as they are, are Truth and Truth is one. Therefore, there are no levels of heaven. What is commonly referred to as the ninth heaven refers to the sky at a height nine times the length of the diameter of the Earth, and similarly, the thirty-third heaven is the sky at a height thirty-three times the length of the Earth’s diameter. However, the Universe is many billions of times bigger than these lengths. It is without end.

-Woo Myung-