Master Woo Myung Wisdom Quote – What is Dō (道)?

It is the Way to your original self.
The original self is none other than
the source of all creation;
it is the non-self self.
‘Dō (Truth, or the Way)’ can be deceiving;
this is because people do not know
the true meaning of dō
or its final destination.
The true meaning of dō, along with its path,
is the abandoning of one’s individuality.
What one must give up is his body
along with everything that this body remembers.
The consciousness is the self
and so once he eliminates his individual self,
he will be on the Way to the source – the origin.
Dō is about completely giving up one’s self
so that he may find his original self
and live a life that is of the source.

-Woo Myung-