Master Woo Myung Truth Poem – The River Is Silent

The river is silent
in the past and present.
All the people of the past have gone
and new people have come.
Even though everything in the universe continuously changes,
what eternally does not change is the universe.
The universe existed before eternity,
and will exist after eternity;
that is the only Truth there is.
One is real when he has Truth, which is real, within him;
he is Truth,
and he will live as is without death.
Whether a person possesses anything or nothing,
a person has tens of thousands of kinds of possessions.
Even if he pretends to have everything,
no one has what is real, Truth.
What humans have are useless false minds,
and no one knows that his mind is false.
All creation lives when
one is reborn in the kingdom that is one.
He will live in the kingdom of oneness forever.
Do not live without knowing the reason
why you live, what you live for, and where you go.
When you live in Truth
you can know the ways of the world
and live as the master of the world.
Whether you know or not depends on
whether you have Truth or falseness in your mind,
whether your mind is big or small,
and whether your mind is clean or dirty.
The true mind is the soul and spirit of the universe.
It is purity itself
that transcends the words ‘clean’ and ‘clear’.
The birth and death of humans,
the existence and non-existence of humans,
all are nature’s flow; it is logic and reason.
In the kingdom where all existence lives,
all is alive and ‘I’ am alive.
This kingdom is the complete heaven.
When humans awake from their dreams and are reborn
they will know what it feels like to be awake.
They will understand the mind of an awakened person.
In their dreams humans do not know what is what
for they have no choice
but to dream what is written in the script of their dreams.

-Woo Myung-