Santa Clara Meditation The Meaning of Life – What are some realistic ways to get rich in 5 years? I’m 25 now and want to hit around 200k USD by the age of 30. What are my options?

I really like this question, because I can tell you a story from my experience.

I am a housewife with two children in my mid-40s, and I live on my husband’s salary. I got married in 2007 and spent more than his salary for 3 or 4 years.

Then one day my husband and I realized that we had more debt than our assets. When I found out that I couldn’t pay back my debt, even if I saved up all my lease deposits and savings, my husband and I became so depressed. Have you ever experienced a case like mine? It’s an economic condition, in which you have more debt than assets because you spend a lot of money. How can you get out of this crisis?

I am not as rich as people think. However, I got out of this economic condition about 10 years ago. Now I am living in my house in a metropolitan area without a loan, and I have no debt. Even after my husband retired when I was in my 60s, I got out of having to get a job to earn living expenses. I don’t even need to work a part-time job to earn money for my children’s education.

Now, let me tell you my secret.

1.Don’t give yourself time to spend money.

Although I don’t make much money, I am very busy. I try to spend time having fun with my children, and I clean and organize. Also I work as an assistant instructor at a meditation center and try to help my neighborhood. That way, the day goes by fast. I really don’t have the time to be on my cell phone or computer. I don’t do unnecessary online shopping. I just buy what I really need. I don’t have the time to feel lonely when my friends travel abroad every year. If you stay busy, consumption will decrease and savings will increase naturally. You have to spend less than you earn.


I can use money wisely only when I look back on myself through meditation, and get rid of my emotional hunger. Before meditation, I had a habit of spending money. To fill my inferiority, I traveled to Europe and bought clothes, shoes and bags made by famous brands. For family gatherings and dinners with friends, I would always pay the tab. I wanted to look cool. Out of vanity, I would even donate to various parts of society to show off. As I looked back on my habits through meditation, and discarded the inferiority, vanity, and emptiness that were the roots of my habits, the number of times I spent money reduced.

3.Find what is truly precious within you.

I found this through meditation. The most valuable thing that money cannot buy is within your mind. I used to work like crazy before I married. But the more I succeeded, the more my heart became empty. I really thought in this world I could achieve success, happiness, and a rich and leisurely life. However, even when I worked like crazy to find it and tried my best, I still felt lonely and anxious because of the fact that I would eventually disappear from this world. So, in order to get rid of that anxiety, money became sacred for me, like a religion or a god. I thought money would do everything. I soon realized that the good places in the world, the luxury hotels, the beautiful things, even all that I experienced and had, were all useless. Through meditation, I discarded so many false minds. And now, I’m not living as a slave of money; I’m living as a master.

4.Get rich slowly.

After the coronavirus pandemic, Korean society is experiencing an investment frenzy. Everyone is now eager to make money because of anxiety about the future. They are trying to make money quickly by investing in the stock market, real estate, bitcoin, etc. I find and study skills that I can do well. Just as I am the only person with my abilities in the world, there is also something you can do well. If you do your best to do that, you will become rich. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Easy come, easy go. Only the price of sweat and effort is mine. This is nature’s flow.

5.Live with gratitude.

As you read this article, take a look around you. You are surrounded by inventions that are the results of someone’s lifelong efforts. I’m so thankful for those relationships that are always with me, and natural environments don’t cost anything. Try to expand your horizons. When I feel thankful, my heart grows bigger. A person with a big heart can work well and succeed. My goal in life has become living happy and well, not becoming rich.

Thank you for reading my story until the end. I attached a video to help you guys. I hope it helps.

by Donna Seo