Master Woo Myung Quote – Let Us Find Heaven and the Origin of Truth Inside Ourselves

In the Bible it says that man was created to resemble God. This means that man was created to only resemble God, not as God himself. Man takes pictures of the physical forms of God that is the true world, and stores these pictures inside his mind. If one takes a picture of the real world that exists, that picture resembles the world but it is not real. Likewise, one’s mind is false because it is made by taking pictures of the world, the land of God; it might resemble the real thing but it is false. When one throws away the human mind within his self that is false and his human mind becomes the originally existing mind that is real, the world that is true exists inside man’s mind. This world is heaven, and Truth which is God and Buddha exists in one’s self.

In other words, a person who has Truth inside him knows Truth and also knows heaven. When man discards his own mind and his mind becomes real by repenting, he becomes the true world and he can be born and live in heaven while he is living.

-Woo Myung-