Master Woo Myung Book – How to Have a Meeting with God, Buddha, Allah – WHAT IS SIN?

Human sin is that people live inside their own self-centered minds instead of living in the universe mind, which is the world. This is why humans are sinners. The sin is that they do not live in Truth, which is the Jung (Spirit) and Shin (Soul) of the universe, but live inside their own minds, which are not the world.

The human mind is the karma, habits, and body. This is one’s mind. The karma, which is the life lived, the habits that one inherited from ancestors, and the body are the sin. People are not real Truth, but false because they live inside their minds, which are the picture worlds that overlap the world. Also, they live copying the things of the world that is Truth. When one eliminates this falseness and becomes real, one’s mind is Truth.

The people who are the masters of the world can make this world be born again as the real world inside the mind of a per- son who has become real. The Spirit and Soul of the universe itself remain when all of one’s karma, habits, and body com- pletely die. When this Spirit and Soul, which are Truth, become one’s mind, the nonexistent world is created from there and one becomes complete.

-Woo Myung-