Master Woo Myung Writing – What Exists in the World Exists, and What Does Not Exist in the World Does Not Exist

There are many, many things in the world. In the past when there were no elephants, giraffes or monkeys in Korea, some people did not believe they existed.

It was foretold in a book of prophecy that people in the future would have wisdom and be able to see places thousands of leagues away from where they are sitting. Today we are able to see things thousands of miles away all around the world via television. The origin of the world, the Creator, created all creations according to universal order. People have also helped plant and animal populations to multiply.

There are stories in each religion about people going to heaven. There are also similar stories in Korean folk legends, such as the story of the snail-wife, the children who became a star and moon, the thousand year-old fox girl, as well as many others.

These stories are sometimes taken literally but these are misinterpretations. A person who is born in the true world that is righteous can interpret them correctly but those who are trapped inside the human mind cannot interpret these stories, or the stories in the Bible and Buddhist scriptures. All scriptures were written from the perspective of the world and not from the individual human perspective. When man becomes one with the world, it is possible to know the ways of the world, what is true and false, as well as all of Truth.
The world is just as one sees it, it is just as it exists, but those who have a false world cannot see it just as it is and as it exists. They can only speak and act according to what they have in their illusionary worlds. Only that which exists in the world actually exists, and what does not exist in the world – that which only exists in man’s mind – does not exist. The world can be seen correctly only when man becomes one with the mind of the world.

From Where You Become True Is The Place Of Truth

-Woo Myung-