fter being born into the world, people have constantly been fighting as they live their lives. Ever since they were young, they have been fighters who had to defeat others. They lived their entire lives agonizing and battling, trying not to fall behind in competition. When living in this world, people are fighters who are in constant combat, who do not want to be defeated. This is why, whether in our lives at home or in our social lives, everyone is a fighter who is battling. No one in this world is an easy pushover. Consequently, even to this day, countries are fighting each other, and religious wars never cease to exist.

Although everyone believes in God, Buddha, Allah, which are Truth, no one has become one with that existence. Instead, peo- ple are only crying out that name from within the false worlds where humans live, places where there is no Truth. They are just praying and calling out that name from within places where there is no existence of Truth that is God, Buddha, Allah.

It is written in the Bible that God, which is Truth, exists within people’s minds. It also says in the Buddhist sutras that Buddha and Allah in the Qur’an are within one’s mind. Instead of seeking Truth in the name, people of this world should actu- ally become God, Buddha, Allah (Truth) within their minds. The world will then become one. Unless one seeks Truth from within himself, he cannot find it. One cannot find it because he will look for it within the nonexistent human conceptions, habits, and customs where there is no Truth.

In the era of incompletion before these current times, the masters of the world, who are the Way, the Truth, and the Life, did not exist. Therefore, there was no Truth or method to repent that could allow people to go to the Land of Truth.

A person who is born and living in the false world cannot achieve Truth unless there are the masters of the world who can give life. The way for this world to become one is for the falseness to become Truth. Even if religions join together, they cannot become one. There will be fierce battles due to the count- less denominations. However, the world will become one when people are made to have Truth within their minds. Then there will be no distinctions between “your country” and “my country,” and “your religion” and “my religion.”

From How to Have a Meeting with God, Buddha, Allah by Woo Myung