Master Woo Myung Meditation Pioneer – The Future of Mankind

The future for mankind is truly one of Heaven on earth. That earth is Heaven means that this earth lives following Nature’s flow, and therefore, everyone would be free and liberated. Everyone would live for others selflessly, rejoicing in the happiness of others, and everyone would be one. Man would have no evil in his mind; so everyone would be good and there be no thievery. Everyone would know that life and death are one, and so no one would mourn, and everyone would live fulfilling their wishes. Everyone would be wise, and so science will develop to its peak, and the laughter of mankind would never end. Everyone would be selfless, and the quality of living would be equal for everyone so that this earth would be Paradise wherein everyone would live well. Even though their bodies may eventually be no more, people would know that they would still live on; accordingly funerals would be held with laughter, and it would truly be Paradise. Man would live having repented his sins and so a great nation of unity – a land where everybody is one – would be built. Thus, man would live a life of Nature’s flow even in the absence of laws.

-Woo Myung-