Master Woo Myung Message – The Messiah and the Rapture

The Messiah of the Second Coming refers to the Jesus Christ who is to return one day. The Jesus Christ mentioned here would not be of the same image that he was two thousand years ago, but the God who has existed before Abraham – the living Christ. And it is he who is reborn as this God that is the Messiah.

That the Messiah will come from above means that a person whose consciousness has become as high and as wide as God will come; such is what will mark the arrival of the Messiah. The Rapture does not mean that man will rise to Heaven but that those whose consciousness is as high and as wide as Heaven – those who have become Heaven, itself – will enter into that Kingdom. The Kingdom of Heaven is not a place where one comes from or goes to. A person whose consciousness is one with God or Buddha – a person who has been reborn as Truth – is one who has already ascended. And it is such a person that is one who has come from Heaven.

-Woo Myung-