Master Woo Myung Teaching – How Can One Know Truth?

Christians are waiting for the new Messiah to come and Buddhists are waiting for Maitreya. They are waiting for the Savior of the world but the existence of their conceptions that they are waiting for will never come no matter how long they wait. The true Savior is an existence of complete Truth, an existence who is true and real. This existence will not come in the shape and form of Jesus Christ or Buddha from thousands of years ago, but he is nevertheless the Savior because he will make people become Truth.

The reason man cannot know Truth is he lives within his own mind world and does not have Truth in him, therefore even if Truth comes he will be unable to recognize him. Only those who are alive – those who have become Truth – will be able to recognize Truth. The Bible says that people will not know when Truth, Christ, comes. This is because people are false and do not have Truth within them.

Man often tries to find Truth within his conceptions and habits but man cannot know Truth because Truth does not exist within human conceptions.

Only those who have become Truth can know Truth. He who is alive can recognize who is alive and who is dead. Only those who are true can know both Truth and falseness. Thus, only he who has become true can know what is true and only he who has been born in the true world can know the ways of the world. Man thinks he is living in the world but he is actually living inside his mind and not the world. Therefore he must be born in the world in order to know the ways of heaven and earth.

-Woo Myung-