Teacher Woo Myung Question and Answer – What Is Samsara (The Eternal Cycle of Birth, Death and Rebirth)?

Many people have questions about samsara. The world was created by the Creator and because the Creator is Truth and complete, the world is also complete. However, man is not complete so he seeks to become so through religion or other practices.

Samsara exists because the incomplete human mind world contains tens of thousands of incomplete minds. When man dies, he roams around and around his mind world – an illusionary world of pictures. This is samsara. Samsara is wandering trapped inside the world one has made with the innumerable minds he has. From the viewpoint of Truth, this illusion does not exist, and man also does not exist because he lives within the illusion.

The way to escape from samsara is to destroy one’s mind world that is an illusion and hell and be reborn in the true world. He who is born in the true world has no samsara – he is an eternal, never-dying, divine entity and will live forever with freedom and liberation.

-Woo Myung-
