Master Woo Myung Illustration #20 – Only one who has been absolved of his sins can have the wisdom of God

Only one who has been absolved of his sins can have the wisdom of God and only when the sinner dies and becomes reborn as the son of God can he live as a forever living and never-dying immortal. Man’s sin is defying God and doing just as one pleases by possessing his own mind that is separate from God.

Only those who have repented their sins will become one with God, which will happen to the extent that their sins have been absolved. The place one goes to when the self dies is the sublime place of God. Without holding one’s own living funeral, that is, without dying in the mind while living, any comments one makes about God are delusional sounds from within one’s self; they are only the sounds of selfish desires. I heard many people who claimed to have heard the voice of God later say that nothing of significance was fulfilled despite what they heard. All they heard were the sounds of their desires, their selves.

-Woo Myung-