Master Woo Myung Writing – From the World of Hardship to a World Free of Hardship

It is not easy to live in this world.
When the world changes everyday,
people cannot keep a steady mind,
and they are out of their minds.
It is not easy to live in this world, is it?
Times change and
it is difficult to live in changing times.
When times change,
one who changes with the times
has little trouble making ends meet.
One who resists the changing times,
one who is far from reality,
has trouble making ends meet.

Because the world does not follow your selfish expectations,
because the world does not unfold as you please,
your life is difficult.
However, when you live not bound to
either living well or living with difficulties,
when you live from the world’s perspective,
work diligently and just do your work,
live without self,
and just live without your self which has difficulty,
then there is no pain, no hell, and no anxiety
and you will live a good life.
Instead of blaming the world and others,
a person must cleanse his mind that blames others.
Then the world becomes bright, the world becomes one.
One who knows that it is not the faults and mistakes of others
but that it is his own fault, and that everything is his own sin,
is the wise one.
When you repent your sins
and live as Truth, the true self,
the world is heaven and the world will be enjoyable.
It is the one world
where neither ‘this world’ nor ‘that world’ exist.
No matter how hard you try to live for the self,
nothing is accomplished, there is no meaning or value.
But if you live for the world
in the one world,
there will be joy in your mind,
there will be contentment in your mind.

People feel empty
because there is no true wealth in their minds.
They have no resting place in their minds,
people just follow the false and end up in the false world.
It is a life with no meaning nor value.
There is no meaning
when one builds false fortunes within his self
and accumulates false fortunes within his self.
When life dissipates like wind and water,
one lives only for his greedy self;
his life is difficult.
If one pursues wealth and prosperity,
his demons grow and life has no meaning,
it is only full of falseness.

Only a person who has true riches within the true mind
will live with that fortune eternally, free of hardships.
This is the best way to live.

-Woo Myung-