Master Woo Myung Quote – The Difference Between Life and Death Is the Same as the Difference Between Heaven and Earth

The empty universe is the origin of all creation.
It is non-existence, but because it exists
the world and all creation comes from it.
Non-existence brings forth existence;
since people do not have this non-existence within them
they think it does not really exist.
When people have this non-existence in their minds,
this non-existence is the soul and spirit.
Only this existence is true life.
They do not know this because they do not have it.
Only this existence is living,
only this existence is alive,
only one who has become it lives.
One only knows, speaks, and lives
according to what he has within.
One who has the universe within him
knows the true meaning of the universe.
Living as the will of the universe by becoming the universe
is true life.

The empty universe exists before the wind,
it exists before the clouds,
it exists before all creation,
this itself is Truth and is alive.
People do not know it is living
because they do not have it within their minds.
Only this itself is Truth;
only this itself lives forever, and ever.

Born again, not born again;
the living, the dead;
the wise, the unwise;
one with Truth, one with falseness;
these are as different as life and death,
as different as heaven and earth.

-Woo Myung-