Master Woo Myung Poem – Preface

When seen from the big point of view –
from the world’s point of view –
the whole world is one.
But people live blaming the world.
They blame it because they try to fit the world
into their point of view.
If they were to live according to the world’s point of view,
they would know that the world has always been perfect;
they would know that the world is the Land of true Paradise,
which is one that is eternal, never-changing, and alive;
they would be able to live as one in this Land where all are one,
where there is no separation between people;
they would be able to live absent of death.
Man must no longer blame others;
he must realize that everything is his own fault,
for the world is perfect.
He must repent for his sins;
such repentance is absolution.
When man becomes the world and lives absent of his self,
he will be able to become one with the world;
there will no longer be ‘your country’ and ‘my country’,
or ‘your religion’ and ‘my religion.’
When man lives according to
the will of the world – the will of the Creator –
there will be nothing he cannot know,
for the Creator is both omniscient and omnipotent;
he will know the logic of the world
and will thus become free of the delusional consciousness
with which he had lived self-centeredly in a dream;
he will live with the great consciousness –
the consciousness that is the true and righteous world –
absent of any conflicts and hang-ups;
he will be able to accept everything.
Once a person opens his eyes,
he knows that the dream he had the night before is not real.
The life one lives self-centeredly only for one’s self
is also a dream.
Things work out in the world
according to how one makes up one’s mind.
Therefore, when one’s mind becomes the world,
one will know the logic of the world;
one will become the eternal and never-dying Truth itself
and will thus be able to live a true life.
Before, I had always wondered
where humans came from,
why we live,
and whether humans could live forever.
Once I became the world,
all my questions and doubts were answered,
and I began teaching people
how to live from the world’s point of view.
The Bible, sutras, as well as all other religious texts,
were the words of the saints,
and they were spoken from the world’s point of view.
Therefore, when everyone’s eyes and ears are opened
and one is able to see and hear everything –
when he becomes the world’s point of view –
he will be able to know everything
and everything will be revealed.
To become the world
and thus live absent of death like the world
is the everlasting Truth.
I write this book in the hopes that
everyone will repent at once
March 2004
-Woo Myung-