Master Woo Myung Message – The Age of Nature’s Flow

Since mankind was created in the world, people lived their lives continuously forming and destroying delusional thoughts and notions in order to possess and own more.

There have always been mythical stories of a world different from this one – a land of peace where everyone can live a good life. However these stories were told abstractly and conceptually and there was no one who actually knew this world. Countless people devoted their precious youth in searching for this world, and innumerable others sought it in religion, but no one was able to find it.

Past saints and sages spoke as if this world had already been fulfilled, but they were empty words because if it had been, a method of fulfillment would exist. Such a method has never existed, so aren’t their words simply empty boasts?

How many people failed to achieve this end, and spent their lives sighing in a dark world? A method to achieve it did not exist because a person who had achieved it did not exist. The past was an age of simply talking about Truth; all religions and people who claimed to have achieved this world were only talking about Truth. The age of talking about Truth is over, and now it is the age of becoming Truth. The past was an age of adding to one’s illusionary mind. Now it is the time to discard what one has added.

-Woo Myung-