Master Woo Myung Message – Man Does Not Know When the Savior Has Come or Gone

Man’s mind is false. He does not know Truth because he does not have Truth in him. The world that he lives in is the world of his mind. He has never been born in the world that is true, which is why he does not know Truth. There has never been a true person in the world because man is a sinner who takes pictures of what belongs to the world. He has these pictures in his mind so he thinks that they and the world are one and the same. In other words, he is under the delusion that he is really living in the world because the world of his mind and the real world overlap. This is why man does not know the true world that is the land of God.

The Savior is the origin, the Creator and Truth. Man is waiting for the Savior to come because only when this existence comes as a human being, can man and all of creation be reborn in the land of Truth. However when this Savior does come, man will only see his outward appearance and will not be able to recognize his mind – the mind of the origin. Hence, he will not know even when the existence of the Savior has come. This existence will enable falseness to become Truth; he will enable man to be reborn and resurrected in the true land. Aren’t we looking to religion and searching for the way to Truth because people are incomplete? If there is a place where one becomes complete and falseness becomes real, then isn’t this the place where the Savior can be found?

The Savior is the master of the land of Truth that is the origin. This existence that comes as a human being and saves man and the world in the land of Truth is the Savior. This existence is the living God. Material creation was done by Truth that is the origin, and when Truth comes in human form, as a person, it is a person that will enable all existence in the Universe to live in the land of Truth and the origin. This is the completion of the Universe. The Savior is beyond the human mind of preconceptions and habits; the Savior is of the mind, beyond physical form, so only a person who has this existence in his mind will know the Savior.

A person who repents his sins and karma in order to become this existence will know the Savior. The easiest way for man to find the Savior is to find the place where he can be absolved of his sins and karma; the place where he can become real and complete. Then, he will also be able to find the Savior.

-Woo Myung-