Category: Master Woo Myung Quotes

Master Woo Myung Wisdom Quote – Resurrection

Resurrection is to be born again as the soul and spirit of the original, eternal and never-dying Truth by cleansing one’s body and mind, which is the self-important mind, the unclean mind, and sin.

Master Woo Myung Quote – Let Us Find Heaven and the Origin of Truth Inside Ourselves

In the Bible it says that man was created to resemble God. This means that man was created to only resemble God, not as God himself. Man takes pictures of the physical forms of God that is the true world, and stores these pictures inside his mind. If one takes a picture of the real world that exists, that picture resembles the world but it is not real.

Master Woo Myung Quote – Living

No one can stop the passing of time,
nor can anyone blame the time that has passed.
Living becomes a sort of parasite of time
on which man lives in the world.

Master Woo Myung Quote – Ignorant Man

Mankind is lost because people lack wisdom. Not only are people ignorant of the true meaning of the religious scriptures, they do not know when they are being lied to. They are not able to differentiate between truth and lies. They believe in words that are not true when they are spoken in a grand manner. In other words, people live being fooled.

Master Woo Myung Quote – The Importance of Man

Whenever I meet people, I treat each and every person with serious consideration. I urgently implore them again and again to become Truth. Everyone seems to listen at the time, but many people suddenly change their minds and give up.

Master Woo Myung Quote The Relationship Between the Creator and Man

The original foundation is the Creator, and it is this existence that created the world and all things in it. It is not a material existence but a metaphysical one. It is a living existence that exists divinely as God and Soul. This existence created all material creations.

Master Woo Myung Quote – What God Is

Even though we are always with God, a person who lives within the false human mind only has what is within his illusionary false mind. Man does not know God because God’s mind does not exist within the human mind. In the world that is true, God is both everything in existence and the emptiness where there is nothing, but man cannot see or know God because he lives not in the world but in a copy of the world.

Master Woo Myung Quote -Enlightenment

In the world there are falseness and Truth. Man’s mind that lives copying what belongs to the world is false, and the world is true. Man is not one with the mind of the world; instead he lives in an overlapping copy of it. In any case, it is a certain fact that he lives in his own mind world. He comes to know Truth to the extent that the mind of the world enters his, and this is enlightenment.

Master Woo Myung Quote – Falseness and Reality

Falseness is what does not exist and reality is what does exist. The human mind world that man makes is false and the world is real. It is the way of the world that everything in the world comes from and returns to the origin, the source, or the original foundation.

Master Woo Myung Quote – Human Soul

Whether or not man has a soul is something that is often discussed. The law of nature is that all material existences in the world come from the origin and go back to the origin. This is the law of the Universe. A person who believes in Truth, that is, a person who has become Truth, can be reborn in the kingdom of Truth. Only the master of Truth can enable him to be reborn, and can resurrect his soul.

Master Woo Myung Quote – To Be Alive

Man believes that what is in the world is alive and what is not in the world or what has disappeared is dead. In fact, it is people, humans, who are dead. Man is dead because he is not one with the eternal mind of the world. He is trapped inside his own mind, within his preconceptions and habits, formed by taking pictures of countless things from his illusionary mind world.
