Category: Master Woo Myung Messages

Master Woo Myung Message – From the Age of Talking About Truth to the Present, the Age of Becoming Truth

The Bible and the Buddhist sutras are two of many holy scriptures that have been written through the ages. Although the languages and the expressions in these scriptures are all different, they convey the same idea. They speak from the perspective of the origin, the place of Truth, and not from the mind world of man. Man does not understand the words of the living world that is the origin, because he lives in his own mind world.

Master Woo Myung Message – Accomplishing All, Enlightening Fully, Completion

Master Woo Myung Message – Accomplishing All, Enlightening Fully, Completion

Living silently like nature,
living silently like the universe,
is the life of Truth.
Truth is the Great Soul and Spirit of the universe. He who has become Truth is one who has been reborn as the Soul and Spirit of Truth. The Creator is this Great Soul and Spirit. This is the everlasting and never-dying God.

Master Woo Myung Message – The Way Forward for Mankind

In each country, people live making and being governed by the laws of the country in which they reside.
In Communist countries, it is people that govern, while in capitalist countries money governs over people. In any case, the laws that were made in order to make our lives comfortable have imprisoned us inside ourselves: they have had the adverse effect of trapping people within the law.

Master Woo Myung Message – A Blessing from God Is Wisdom Not Words

Many people say they received a blessing from God while praying in the mountains. Some claim to have heard God’s voice which they believe to be a blessing, but they are mistaken. Whatever they heard came from their individual mind worlds because this is where people live. Anything they heard were just sounds from their mind worlds and not the voice of God.

Master Woo Myung Message – Only The Creator Truth Can Cleanse Us

Truth knows both what is false and what is true, but falseness knows neither Truth nor falseness. Therefore, no one in the world knows Truth because man is not real but false and incomplete. He is an entity without life and he is a sinner because he makes and lives in his own world that has turned its back on God, Truth. Only Truth can destroy and eliminate falseness and only the master of the original foundation, of Truth, knows the method to do so. In other words, only what is true can eliminate falseness.
