Category: Where You Become True Is The Place Of Truth

Master Woo Myung Writing – Those Who Have Sold Out Their True Souls

Man does not know what Truth is. That is, he does not know what is true and righteous. His conceptions are formed from what he has seen, heard, learned and experienced and he believes that only what agrees with his conceptions are correct. However all things are just a difference in perspective and in man’s life nothing is actually correct. This is because in man it is not Truth but falseness that speaks and moves. Pictures become stored in the “video” that is his mind, and it is the pictures that speak, hear and move.

Master Woo Myung Writing – Man’s Sin

Man’s sin is dwelling in an illusion. He who is within human conceptions and habits has sins but he who is free from everything does not have any sins. The place free from sins and karma is the place of dō. It is a place of Truth that is free from everything in the human world. The place of Truth is a place where one has discarded all of his conceptions and habits, the place where even one’s self does not exist. It is a place free from absolutely everything – a place of freedom, deliverance and liberation.
