Category: The Way to Become a Person In Heaven While Living

Master Woo Myung Poem of Truth – The Master

Though I exist in the clouds, no one has seen me,
though I exist in the wind, no one has seen me,
though I exist in the celestial bodies, no one has seen me,
though I exist in the world, no one has seen me,
though I exist within people, no one has seen me.
No one has seen me because they do not have the universe.

Master Woo Myung Book Becomes A Bestseller in ‘Humanities’ Category

Woo Myung’s book enables us to find the answers to all questions which all of us have, such as a worldly life and the truthful life, the reason and purpose of man’s life, life and death, etc. His book ranked as a bestseller at many Korean large bookstores, including Kyobo, Yes24, and Aladdin.
