Santa Clara Meditation Quotes – What is the purpose of religion?
What is the purpose of religion?
What is the purpose of religion?
If there is only one thing I could change in the world, It would be my thoughts.
Truth: Christianity calls it God, Buddhism calls it Buddha, and Islam calls it Allah.
I want to be a hope for someone. And I want it to be a warm bonfire.
Resurrection is when all the creations of the universe within this world are made to live as Truth in the Land of Truth.
Nirvana is death.
What this means is
one can achieve ‘dō (Truth)’ after one dies.
There is an old Korean saying
that though one may know water which is ten yards deep,
one cannot know a single inch into a man’s mind.
He who has accomplished all
is one who has reached human completion.
He who has accomplished all
is one who has become Truth.
Though I exist in the clouds, no one has seen me,
though I exist in the wind, no one has seen me,
though I exist in the celestial bodies, no one has seen me,
though I exist in the world, no one has seen me,
though I exist within people, no one has seen me.
No one has seen me because they do not have the universe.
What is it that you are trying to gain,
trying to find,
trying to obtain,
and trying to have?
I have come from the place
Everything that is of the material realm exists because of ‘cause and effect’.
The world was made by the will of God. This will of God does not actually exist,
God is from before and beyond this great universe, and it is He who created Heaven and earth.
We often use the word resurrection for many instances in the world that do not warrant it,
Koreans perform the act of Bahng-Saeng, the freeing of fish into rivers, symbolizing freedom from the old.
The human mind is a negative mind. It is a self-centered mind.
Sin consists of both original sin and personal sin.
Master Woo Myung Words of Truth – One is able to live forever when his soul has been born in the true land within him while he is living.
One is able to live forever when his soul has been born in the true land within him while he is living. In other words, one whose true self has been born in his mind that has become true is able to live forever.
Santa Clara Meditation Column – Corona Pandemic, the best way to overcome this tough time
The attachments one has in his mind are
the root of his thoughts.
Thoughts can also be called a ‘thought-mass,’
which is the body of images one has in his mind
due to the existence of his individual self.
Those images are what confuse man uselessly;
they begin in the thoughts that man has in his mind
and then are directly manifested in his deeds
without even thinking.
This is a quote by Thomas Carlyle: “The block of granite which was an obstacle in the pathway of the weak becomes a stepping-stone in the pathway of the strong.”
A long time ago, there were only two people in the world: a man named Busanga and a woman named Yazanga.
“Move swiftly like the wind, stay silent like the forest, attack fiercely like fire, take a tactical position on the mountain”
This came from the Art of War, an ancient Chinese military treatise attributed to Sun Tzu.
The ancient Egyptians believed that if the soul of the dead went to heaven, he would be asked two questions by God and his response determines whether he would be sent to heaven or hell.
The best god, Zeus, once told the God of Happiness,
“This is a seed called ‘happiness’. Hide it in a proper place.”
And the God of Happiness who had gotten the seed of happiness was wondering where to hide it.
Santa Clara Meditation Quote – The Key to Success: Stop Thinking
A young girl wanted so badly to succeed.
She went to find the king and asked how she could succeed.
Santa Clara Meditation Quote – If You Feel Like Life Is Hard
A man who was having a difficult life went in search for the Great Teacher’s home and asked.
“I am having a difficult time. Please teach me how to be happy.”