Category: Santa Clara Meditation Quotes

Master Woo Myung Poem of Truth – The Master

Though I exist in the clouds, no one has seen me,
though I exist in the wind, no one has seen me,
though I exist in the celestial bodies, no one has seen me,
though I exist in the world, no one has seen me,
though I exist within people, no one has seen me.
No one has seen me because they do not have the universe.

Santa Clara Meditation Column – Corona Pandemic, the best way to overcome this tough time

Santa Clara Meditation Column – Corona Pandemic, the best way to overcome this tough time

The attachments one has in his mind are
the root of his thoughts.
Thoughts can also be called a ‘thought-mass,’
which is the body of images one has in his mind
due to the existence of his individual self.
Those images are what confuse man uselessly;
they begin in the thoughts that man has in his mind
and then are directly manifested in his deeds
without even thinking.
