Santa Clara Meditation Positive Life Changes – What should I do to think positive?
I’ve also been one of the people who’s been thinking a lot about this question for a long time, and I’d like to share the solution I’ve found the most obvious way to answer this question.
I was really a negative person before, so my life was difficult in relationships and things I’ve done. That’s why I’ve asked and looked for many things to be more positive and happy🔍. So I can say that my desire to be positive was greater than anyone else.
So I tried many things. I’ve read many books, watched videos about something that can change my mind. also, I wrote down the advice of positive people or quotes on a paper, and I posted it on the desk, and I used to read it every day to be in that state. But all the advice, information was only then, and it was too difficult for me to act like that. The more I tried to apply the method to myself, the more frustrated I was to see myself not being like that. I keep compared with them and fall into a sense of inferiority.
And then one day I started meditation, and it changed my life🙏.
Through meditation, I could learn exactly why I was not positive and happy, and I was able to find the way to be happy and positive.
- The reason why I couldn’t be positive was because of the mind that I accumulated. And there was one thing I did through meditation. It was discarding my mind.
After discarding my mind through meditation, I realized that being positive and happy is not trying to behave or think like that with distaste, but when one’s mind becomes a true mind itself then one naturally can be positive and happy.
Through the meditation method, I specifically reflect on my mind and abandoned all the negative mind. and even the mind of desire to have happiness, desire of wanting, and even the mind of desire to be positive. As those minds disappeared gradually, peace of mind naturally has come to me.
When the mind about ‘I have to do it, I should do it’ disappeared, I could do things without hesitation with a positive mind naturally. and could achieve good results one by one. I felt so happy and comfortable because I threw away the greedy false minds that were accumulated inside me. and I could find the original mind which already existed within me.
What should I do to think positive?
It’s not about something I should do or have to do more, but once we let go and empty our mind that make us not positive, we recover our original mind which is truth. this original mind that we already have is positive. So you can become most positive with this mind.
Even if you constantly find a solution outside, a fundamental solution cannot be there. We could pretend to positive but it not be possible to be positive truly if we have all the stuff in our mind.
When you discard all the obstructive mind that you accumulated so far, you will be always happy and positive. I’ll share the video that helps you know and understand more. thank you🙏