Santa Clara Meditation Education – What is the ultimate truth of life?

I always question myself, “Is life worth living?” There can be a lot of answers which might make you satisfied, but which still don’t give you a solid answer.

I used to have the simmilar question to myself over and over again. “What is the true meaning of life?” “Why are we born in this world, and what is the ultimate goal of life?. To find the answer, I read so many books that are related. Philosophy, religion, psychology, I had been searching for the answer to those questions🔍 but I couldn’t find it. But, in many books that I read, what they said in common is to meditate. Meditation is to examine what is within and finding an answer within🙏 And I decided to try meditation since then, and I started to attend the meditation class near my suburb.

I want to share what I have found after practicing meditation for several years.

The reason why one doesn’t have the answer within is because of the false mind. Since we are born, we have been adding the false mind. The false mind could be our judgments from the experiences. Also, we could say all the emotional attachments from past experiences.
I want to give supporting examples for the explanation above. Let us think of the moment when we were little children. We didn’t have any complicated experiences yet, and not many things to judge or concern about. But, as we age, we experience failure, stressful situations. And that is how we add false minds and getting further from our original nature🦋 What I have learned from meditation is what is our original nature. Our original nature is the mind of nature. As we look at nature, it is pure. It doesn’t have any sadness, stress, and judgment of right and wrong. And nature does have wisdom. Around 20 years ago, there was a great tsunami in Thailand, and so many people lost their lives. The next day, on the news, the reporter said that all the animals had already fled one day ahead, so no animals died from the tsunami. How did they know? They did know because they have no false minds. They are always one with the original nature, which is the universe mind, and they have the wisdom, know what to do and where to go. They could sense the crisis, but humans couldn’t. As I practice the meditation, I was able to get closer to the original nature, and I answered all the questions above.
What is the ultimate truth of life? It is the universe mind. Suppose you have not been born yet. Everything in this world came from an infinite universe of emptiness and return to there. So, did you. Your original nature is the infinite universe mind, and you can find it when you cleanse all the false minds within. Meditation is to throw away all those false minds, our thoughts, judgments, and emotional attachments from a life lived. Let me help you to answer your other question. “Is life worth living?” I say, yes. But, I couldn’t say ‘yes’ before meditation. Because I didn’t know what is my worth. Now, I know what my worth is❤ My worth is the eternal life within me. It is the universe mind within. We are not just born to eat and to age, then die. Everyone has a lifespan and limited. The reason why we are born in this world is to live forever. Only the person who finds the universe mind within and be reborn as it is, the one will eternally never die even if the body disappears one day. Once I found the universe mind within, I couldn’t stop laughing, and sometimes I woke up in the middle of the night because I feel it is dreamlike. My rejoicing has never ceased, and I am now so grateful that I am at this point😀

In conclusion, I hope you start to meditate to find the true meaning of life. It doesn’t need to be religious and spiritual, but meditation is the same as exercise. If we exercise, our body becomes healthy, and if we meditate, our mind becomes healthy. When your mind is healthy by recovering your original nature, you will be able to know all the principles of life and understand the true value of life. I am leaving a helpful video for you, and this video will help you a lot. Thank you for reading my answer and good luck👍