Santa Clara Meditation How to Break Bad Habits – Which of the concrete habits that you’ve adopted (e.g. “I take a walk daily”) has done the most to improve your life?
I meditate for an hour every day. There are many ways to meditate, but if you want to meditate, I recommend getting guidance from a place that teaches you exactly how to do it. My meditation teaches me how to get rid of my false mind. If we throw away the fake mind, the real mind, the original mind of us humans, will be revealed naturally. I can find the truth and the kingdom of truth in me.
- After meditating, I paid off my debt.
Since the feeling of inferiority in my heart is gone, I have been saving money instead of spending money that is useless.
- I became healthy.
My mind, which had been constantly thinking about something always, was cleared through meditation. When I let go of the junk, my immunity also increased. Esophagitis, cystitis, and headache were relieved.
- I don’t hate my husband.
I hated my husband who didn’t seem interested in me. My self-esteem was hurt because I didn’t feel like I was receiving my husband’s love. Now I am freed from this mind. I have regained my unshakable self-esteem. Now I love my husband.
- Do not hit or swear at children
The objects I used to release the anger in my heart, the children. Sad story. I poured out my emotional dregs on the weak and young. I was ashamed and repented. Now, every moment with children is precious. We sit side by side on the sofa, read a book together, and laugh together. Happy.
by Donna Seo