Master Woo Myung Book – USA Today Bestseller – How to Have a Meeting with God, Buddha, Allah – From the False World to the True World

People live in this world thinking that they are born into this world and are living there. However, people are false because they are living inside the mind world, which overlaps the world. The human mind world is composed of the karma, habits, and body. Once one discards the karma, habits, and body, the universe Jung (Spirit) and Shin (Soul), which are Truth, exist within his mind.

When the masters of Truth make a person be reborn, this world and one’s self are reborn as Truth. Then the false self becomes Truth. This also applies to the worlds that people live in. Before, people were living in the mind worlds that were not real, but now they can be reborn in the true world and live. They can go from false worlds to being born into and living in the true world. What was illusory becomes real, and the false world is reborn as the true world and lives.

-Woo Myung-