Master Woo Myung Writing – Those Who Have Sold Out Their True Souls

Man does not know what Truth is. That is, he does not know what is true and righteous. His conceptions are formed from what he has seen, heard, learned and experienced and he believes that only what agrees with his conceptions are correct. However all things are just a difference in perspective and in man’s life nothing is actually correct. This is because in man it is not Truth but falseness that speaks and moves. Pictures become stored in the “video” that is his mind, and it is the pictures that speak, hear and move.

What is correct or righteous, is Truth and the world that is true. A person who has become one with the world, or in other words, he who has been reborn with the mind of the world, is righteous – a person who has been born with the consciousness of the Universe. Such a person does not die because he is an existence that is eternal and neverdying. Those who are not born as Truth – those who do not achieve human completion – will end up dying forever.

The ordinary person lives in the ghost world of his mind, an illusionary world. There are also those who say they have come from heaven, that they are heavenly Gods, and speak as if they know things. These people will live eternally in the world of hell because their souls have been born in an illusion while they are living. They end up dying forever because the masters of their selves are delusional illusions. An illusion is like a dream and it does not exist. Because it is not real, it is death. Only that which is real lives.

People believe that dō is about being able to do supernatural acts or speaking as if one knows supernatural things, but real dō is not about speaking of ghostly things. One has “come from heaven” if he has become one with heaven. A person who saw an image of himself coming down from heaven in his delusions did not truly come from heaven. Such a person has come from his delusional mind world, which is an illusion. If man discards his self he will be reborn as the Universe’s body and mind. However this process is difficult, and because man is foolish he has a tendency to fall back into the illusionary world. What is described above is the type of dō practiced by traitors who act against heaven. The things one knows with the consciousness of the Universe are wisdom itself, whereas the things one knows through the images inside himself are those of the lowest-level ghost. They are manifestations of one’s greed because he has not been able to achieve dō.

All people who speak of knowing things from the illusions they see within their mind worlds need to sincerely repent because they are those who have sold out their true souls. They will end up dying and suffering in hell for eternity.

From Where You Become True Is The Place Of Truth

-Woo Myung-