Master Woo Myung Poem – Stranger

A familiar face is walking over into the yonder,
but because we are used to seeing him,
we do not realize that he is a heavenly being.

Due to their ignorance,
people think that the heavenly being is
a person who has come from the sky.
But when one is completely absent of his self,
he becomes Heaven,
and when he returns from Heaven, he exists;
thus it is he who is the heavenly being.
It seems no one is able to understand
what this means though.
People expect his image to be different.
When will they grown up and understand?

The heavenly being who you think about
when you close your eyes
and the heavenly being who you think about
even when you open your eyes
is among you –
all the more reason why you do not know him.
People are too childishly ignorant to know
that this person is truly the savior.

From Nature’s Flow

-Woo Myung-