Master Woo Myung Teaching – We Must Gain Eternal Life and Go to Heaven While We Are Living
We must gain eternal life and go to heaven while we are living.
It is illogical and nonsensical to believe in a heaven that one goes to after he is dead.
Material civilization has developed at such a fast pace that our lives have become infinitely more comfortable and more abundant than in the past.
However, man lives tied to his material reality and he depends solely on the words of religion, ideology and philosophy for spiritual matters. He is ignorant of the higher, more complete state of being – when such words actually become his, that is, when he becomes Truth by becoming complete in matters of spirituality. His conceptions and habits have become the absolute; he believes that what he does is right and that only his actions are correct. Thus, man lives as a slave to his conceptions and habits.
He does not know what heaven and hell are and he does not know whether he will truly live or die. There is no one who knows the fundamental principles of the world.
The principles of heaven and earth, or rather, the principles of Truth, are that the world and all creations are already complete. There is a Korean saying that one asks the way while he is already on the path, which means that one looks for something that is right under his nose. In the same way, while man is already living in heaven, heaven does not exist for him because he does not have heaven within him.
Man’s consciousness has taken in or “eaten” so many different minds while living in the world. He lives as a slave to those minds because he has never discharged any of the waste. Even when we eat food, we must eat an appropriate amount and excrete out what we do not need. Man has “eaten” so many different shadows of his past without excreting any of it, and they are embedded in every single cell of his body.
Just as it is possible to clone a monkey from just one cell of its body, the cells of our bodies are made through the forms of our minds.
Man cannot know Truth because his entire body is filled with illusions, shadows. If he eliminates all of this falseness, only Truth remains. Truth is an existence that always just exists no matter how much you may try to discard or get rid of it.
Heaven exists inside one’s mind when he has become Truth by transcending his conceptions and habits; when Truth becomes his self. If one does not become the existence of Truth, the Creator, while he is living, he cannot go to heaven.
Heaven is the land of Truth and the Creator. Man can become Truth when he discards all of his falseness and gives himself completely to the existence of Truth. When his self and Truth completely become one, heaven exists within him.
A person who has become Truth knows both that he has become Truth and that he has been born in heaven. He lives in the land of Truth that is heaven and he works for heaven so that he may have influence and rights there.
One lives in heaven only when he is in heaven while he is alive, and a person who has heaven while he is living, goes to heaven. Man cannot go to heaven because he does not have heaven within him. For a person who believes that he will go to heaven if he has faith, his definition of faith is wrong, and he cannot get there with such kind of faith. One must repent a hundred percent in order to be resurrected as a child of Truth and go to heaven.
One is being fooled if he believes that he will go to heaven after he dies – it is illogical.
Heaven is a world where only those who have been resurrected as the very Energy and Light that is the Creator and Truth can live.
For he who does not get there while he is alive, it is true death upon his death.
(C) Woo Myung
From Heaven’s Formula For Saving The World
-Woo Myung-