Master Woo Myung Book – Heaven’s Formula For Saving The World – True Faith
We come to truly believe in something when we can acknowledge it fully with our minds.
What we are certain of, what exists in our hearts, does not change. Therefore, we must believe something with our hearts, in order to say we truly believe something.
True faith is enlightenment. When one is enlightened, Truth that is the Creator exists in his mind and because he is this existence itself and he has become this existence itself, it is possible for him to have faith.
Faith is what one has in his mind, and he has as much in his mind as he has been enlightened and as much as he has become Truth.
Faith is one’s mind becoming Truth itself;
faith is one’s mind acknowledging and being certain;
and faith is enlightenment.
Faith in Shakyamuni, Jesus Christ and the other saints is to become Shakyamuni, Jesus Christ, and the other saints who are the existence of Truth. In order to become this existence, one must have enlightenment; that is, he must acknowledge this existence and be certain, and in doing so, host Truth in his mind. Such is what faith is.
It is said that if one has faith, he will go to heaven. This means if one has Truth inside him, he does not die because he is Truth itself, and as such he lives in the land of Truth; therefore he “goes” to heaven. There is another saying that the world is already enlightened, which means this world is the land of the Creator and Truth, and the land of the Creator is already complete.
Christianity tells us that Jesus Christ has already given salvation to all things. This means the Creator is originally complete, so therefore he has already given salvation to all creations in the world. Only people have to repent their sins in order to go to heaven because they are dead within their delusions. There is only one sin that exists in the world – the sin of not becoming one with Truth. In other words, one who does not or cannot become one with Truth is dead and therefore, he is a sinner.
If one believes in Christ who is God, it is possible to go to heaven and enter the land of the Lord.
Only when one’s mind becomes one with God who is Truth, does he truly believe. Put in another way, one must be reborn as God who is Truth to have true faith, and only then can he be born and live in heaven – the complete land of God.
Having faith in Christ is to be reborn as God and Truth. Such a person is the mind of Truth itself, he is God and Truth, and therefore he is born in heaven and lives in heaven.
(C) Woo Myung
-Woo Myung-