Master Woo Myung Songs Lyrics and Verses – Kingdom of Heaven

Although you and I are living in this world together,
I am living in the Kingdom of Heaven
while all of you are living in the human world.
Though we are living similar lives
which seem like they are no different from one another,
I do not live in the world
while all of you do.
Living in Truth is different from living in falseness,
which is why I intend to guide you to
the true Kingdom
so that all of you may live as Truth.

But none of you listen to my words;
instead you wait for a savior to appear from the void,
and you think a land exists there.
However, there is no savior in the void or a heaven,
for the Land of God is the place that is existent.
I originally came from Heaven;
I lived and then came again from Heaven,
but people are not recognizing me,
which is something that they should be lamenting.

-Woo Myung-