Master Woo Myung Truth Poem – Heaven I

Patches of clouds are afloat in the sky.
They spark the fantasies of man.
What exists beyond the blue sky?
There is the endless sky –
the source that is man’s true nature
which has no end.

Though man creates the sky and the patches of clouds,
they simply exist as they are in Heaven.
The sky is Heaven,
but man cannot become Heaven.
Thus man lives bound to so many things.
He is ignorant of the fact that
every single creation in the world is Heaven.
Instead, man grows older daily,
as he constantly creates turmoil in his mind.
Heaven simply exists as it is
without having been born
and without ever dying.
But man is the one who creates all sorts of things
with which he thinks and lives according to
what he sees.
Man lives not knowing that doing so is his karma.

-Woo Myung-