Santa Clara Meditation Happy People – Let’s find your true self. 🙂

We meditated happily today to find our true self. Would also like to?

This is Master Woo Myung‘s word of truth. Let’s read together. 🙂

God’s Mind Beyond Human Mind

Handsome, good-looking, stylish,
great figure, well groomed,
so good-looking, so distinguished,
so pretty, so lovely,
radiant as the moon, well-defined features,
he’s a handsome man, she’s a beautiful woman,
ugly, not good-looking, not stylish,
not glowing, weak features,
he’s an ugly man; she’s an ugly woman,
like, love,
clean, beautiful,
splendid, pretty,
do not like, do not love,
dirty, ugly,
not splendid, not pretty,
dead, alive,
it is this; it is that;
even the mind that the world exists is a human mind –
the mind of a ghost.
A ghost does not have the true mind
so it only sees outward appearances,
but God sees into the inner heart.
God’s mind exists beyond the countless human minds.
God’s mind knows nothing;
there is no feeling, no taste or smell,
there is nothing it sees or hears;
it is the mind where everything has ceased.
Even though God’s mind is alive,
it does not dwell in its existence,
and while it is a mind of non-existence
where all have ceased,
it is a mind that is truly alive,
the mind of wisdom itself.

We have often heard that minds do not exist. This means the
incalculable number of delusions piled up in the human mind do not exist. It is
also said that the true mind does not exist; this is to say that the true mind
does not have shape or form. It is not material, but it exists as Jung and
Shin, the Soul and Spirit, which is Truth. This existence is the empty sky
which remains when you take away every material thing in the sky.

This empty sky is the true mind. It is the origin, the source, the
original foundation, and it is an entity that is alive. The world of this
existence is heaven: a place where the world and people are born as the Soul
and Spirit of this existence.

The human mind is pictures and an illusion; God’s mind is reality – what truly exists. God’s mind is the true mind; the mind of the empty sky. The human mind is the false mind that has taken pictures of all that belongs to the world. Man lives inside that false mind so if he discards all the pictures, his mind will be changed from the human mind to God’s mind.

-Woo Myung-